A few main features of EFBv2 are limited when using X-Plane. Please read carefully the limitations described hereafter.
EFBv2 is compatible with Laminar's X-Plane 11.30+ / 12.00. Backward compatibility is neither possible nor available.
Due to entirely different specifications for airport ground layouts, the ground chart of an X-Plane Airport in EFB will look different in many aspects as you might be used from MS-based Simulators.
Depiction of Taxiways in EFB is dependent on "Taxi Routes" which must be defined in the apt.dat file. Also the "Taxi-Out" and "Taxi-In" functions of EFB are only available if "Taxi Routes" are defined in the apt.dat file on the chosen airport. Especially older Add-Ons sometimes are missing "Taxi Routes".
Internal weather data directly from the simulator (Client settings: "Weather provider = Simulator") is not available, again due to entirely different specifications.
Traffic data is limited to 19 aircraft. Traffic data is also not as detailed as in FSX/P3D. Only latitude, longitude and altitude is available through DataRefs. Groundspeed, track and vertical speed have to be calculated by EFB, derived from available X-Plane DataRefs.
When using plugins like "Live Traffic" and/or "XSquawkbox" be aware of suddenly disappearing traffic symbols and labels for one or two seconds. It might happen that no heading data is available. In this case all aircraft symbols and speed vectors will point to North.
Currently X-Plane does not offer a DataRef which would allow to figure out which aircraft is loaded. To identify the currently loaded aircraft, EFB is therefore using the ICAO code stored in the aircraft's ACF-File. This ICAO code can be specified in the "Airfile" textbox of the corresponding EFB profile (using Profile Editor). Unfortunately not every ACF file provides the information about the ICAO code. If you run the program „PlaneMaker“ you can verify the ICAO code on the 4th line under the menu „Standard“, „Author“. If there is no ICAO code for a certain aircraft, you have to manually load the corresponding aircraft profile in EFB.
Currently it is not possible to automatically load a GPS flight plan into the X-Plane's GPS/GNS system. However, the GPS flight plan will be created according to the latest specs and it will also be saved into the proper directory where it is expected by X-Plane, named „EFB_current_gps.fms“. Loading must be done manually using the standard functions of the default GPS/GNS device in X-Plane.
For the same reason as described above, altered Flight Plans cannot be transferred automatically into the default X-Plane GPS/GNS system. Nevertheless an altered Flight Plan can be re-loaded from the same directory using the same defautl name „EFB_current_gps.fms“ as described above. Activation of the new Flight Plan must follow standard X-Plane handling procedures.